


For and in consideration of the right to use and/or participate in any activity in any capacity at Soldier Hollow Nordic Center and/or any part of its facilities, including, but not limited to shooting on the biathlon range with live and/or air powered ammunition, biathlon, cycling, running, adventure races, tubing, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing, I expressly agree, in addition to paying any fees due for any such activity(ies), to ASSUME ANY and ALL risks of injury, including the risk of serious injury and even DEATH, regardless of the cause of injury, the activity, or the date or time on which the injury is allegedly sustained and regardless of whether the injury occurs prior to, during or after the time I participate in the activity or activities that I intended to participate in.

I acknowledge and understand that obeying and following safety rules and/ or instruction does not guarantee my safety. Soldier Hollow Nordic Center is NOT in any manner an insurer of my safety. I further agree to FOREVER RELEASE the Utah Athletic Foundation d/b/a Soldier Hollow Nordic Center, Utah Olympic Legacy Foundation, State of Utah and their affiliates, related entities, employees, officers, directors, and agents (collectively referred to as “SHNC”) from ANY and ALL LIABILITY, and to FOREVER WAIVE ANY and ALL claims, causes of action, charges, damages, and demands of any kind whatsoever, including for injuries I sustain as a result of SHNC’s NEGLIGENCE

I also expressly agree to accept “AS IS” and “WITH ALL FAULTS” any equipment and/or anything else that I use at SHNC and further understand and acknowledge that SHNC provides NO implied warranty of merchantability and/or fitness or any other warranties of any kind whatsoever and further agree that any activity I participate in at SHNC concerns services being rendered only.

I hereby consent to allow SHNC to administer first aid and other emergency medical treatment to me for any injury or illness that occurs while at SHNC. I also grant to SHNC and its assigns the right to use, reproduce, display, distribute and make derivative works, in any and all media, of any biographical information furnished by me to the SHNC and/ or of my voice, image and/or likeness recorded while doing anything at SHNC.

I have read and understand this Agreement and voluntarily enter into it without any reservation whatsoever and agree that all activities at SHNC are purely voluntary in nature. I further agree that no representations have been made to me other than those expressly contained herein. In the event any part of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable, the other portions will remain enforceable.  I agree that any lawsuit filed against SHNC will be filed in Utah state court or federal court in Utah and that Utah law will apply. This Agreement and its terms are perpetual, do not expire and apply to each and every day (today and in the future) that I use and/or participate in any activity at the SHNC and/or any part of its facilities even if such days are not consecutive and each and every injury I sustain regardless of whether I sign this Agreement prior to or after sustaining the injury.

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